here are the top 10 reasons, in no particular order.
#1: I co-sleep. I absolutely LOVE snuggling with my littles in bed. I unwillingly co-sleep with 2 kids [Mason and Madison] and willingly, with one [Mia]. Manning is the only one who stays in his bed..for now. Mia is in her own crib now, beside my bed- but I love love love, bringing her into bed with me to snuggle, feed, and sleep. it's so peaceful, dozing next to a beautiful baby.
#2: I breastfeed. I have breastfed all 4 of my beautiful babies, with different experiences with each of them. Some great, some good,some bad, some exhausting. I'll dive into that another day- but for now.. Mia and I have a wonderful nursing relationship. She's a champ feeder- but has just recently cut her first tooth and enjoys trying it out on me. OUCH. she's the first baby I've braved nursing with teeth- the others I decided teeth were the final straw, but I'm sticking it out with Mia , hopefully until she's 1yr.
#3: I selectively vaccinate. I get all the routine vaccines that are recommended by the Canadian government, but I've delayed some to space them differently than the "schedule" has them spaced and I also opt out of the ones they 've added in the last 5-10yrs. I have done a lot of research on all the vaccines the babies receieve and am confident in my knowledge and decisions. My kids all have their vaccines up-to-date by the start of JK.
#4: I cloth diaper. Yep- I even use the pinned ones, the old fashioned flats and prefolds. But I prefer the new-age cloth diaper,which I sell in my shop!! [] I used to make diapers for Mason, before I could afford the fancy ones, now I've got a collection of sorts ! I've always had 2 kids in cloth at once, at different ages. You can pretty much ask me anything about cloth diapering...and I probably know. I was also in a youtube commercial for a cloth diaper safe detergent product!! [ watch here! ]
#5: I make my own baby food. Have you ever smelled a jar of baby food from the store?? I started making my own baby food, when I opened a jar of meat/veg. for Madison, and the cat came running as though I had opened a tin of wet cat food. UGH. it smelled just as disgusting as cat food- so I make my own using garden-fresh produce, and organic pureed meat [yes..I do buy that, frozen]
#6: I babywear. I love my stroller, but sometimes wearing a baby is so much easier. I even got a hiking backpack and get my husband to wear a kiddo when needed. And everyone knows, a man who wears his baby/child - is so incredibly sexy. [it's like Gin....a "panty-dropper" ;) ]
#7: I make my own hair conditioning mask with kitchen ingredients. Yep- avocados, olive oil, lemon juice, green tea, honey. Ah-May-ZING.
#8: I use all natural laundry soaps and stain treatments. Have you tried The Laundry Tarts ? I also like Nellies, also Canadian.
#9: I have a vegetable garden in my backyard. We grow tomatoes, green beans, onions, garlic, herbs...and corn last year. ha! That's what Mason wanted to plant...this year I might plant carrots!
#10: I love swaps. I love to trade for kids items, handmade items, clothing, household items, etc. Why spend money, when chances are you've got something to offer someone else ? Bartering, is back!
bonus #11 : I had 3 fully natural births and loved every second of them. Mason was my only partially medicated delivery and it was awful- hence the no meds going forth.
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minutes after an amazing natural [drug-free]birth, Madison meeting her new baby sister. |
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