In honour of earth day, we are doing..... nothing extra special. I took Madison to a barn today, where I rode a beautiful horse and she watched a few other riders do their thing in the arena. We played outside {even though it's chilly and damp!} and we are enjoying our time as a family. We don't go out of our way on Earth day for things particularily earth-friendly because....we always celebrate earth day in our house. We use cloth diapers, we recycle, we compost, we garden {flowers and vegetables}, we repurpose items, we even have solar panels on our roof! I teach my kids about the earth , every day. We talk about what is in nature, how to care for our friends in nature -the bugs, the animals, the plants, the water. We clean the park when we go and see a mess everywhere , we don't litter and we pickup after those who haven't had that lesson.
Everyone should celebrate earth day everyday, it would help our environment and help to make sure our children, and their children, have a beautiful world to grow old in.
What do you do, for Earth day- or everyday? Try changing one thing about your regular routine, on a daily basis. For those who diaper their babies, try using even ONE cloth diaper a day if you're not brave enough to dive head-first in the deepend. Use "un-paper towels" instead of paper towels. Shop from a local wahm {working at home mum} or local artisan for gifts or even household items. Have you gone to before? Try it out, it's amazing!
Watching our own version of Mighty Machines- as the solar panels were delivered last year. |
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