Sunday, 1 April 2012


If one more person asks me if Mia was a preemie....I think I'm going to SCREAM. Right there, in their face, just ....scream.

Everyone gushes over my beautiful Mia, they always tell me how amazingly beautiful she is, how sweet she is, blah blah blah. Then they say- she must be so brand new!!

Mia sampled her first ever french fry today and LOVED it. I figured, hand-cut fries that were made fresh for our lunch were a safe bet to try for the first time instead of greesy fast food crap. The server came over to the table and we said " oh well she loved her very first french fry!" he looks and says " how new is she, she must be brand new!"..... right- as if I'm going to give my newborn baby, a friggen french fry. But it's true, people look at Mia and think she's  maybe about 2months tops. When I tell them how old she is, they give a look of concern like there must be something wrong with her, or as though she must have started out at a mere 2lbs or something. Someone said I should make a shirt for her to wear...and I think I might.

Mia will be 7 months on the 4th of April [ holy crap, how did 7 months come so fast?!?!] and she is still in her nb and 0-3month clothes. So yes, she's tiny. Is she heathy? She is so incredibly healthy, eats like a champ, advanced in her milestones, she's perfect- she's just petite. {she is also the most amazingly adorable little baby you'll have ever laid eyes on..seriously}

beautiful headband courtesy of Podee Olee sewing company!!/podeeolee

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