Friday, 13 April 2012

what rhymes with mama ?


you know what they say- "save the drama, for your mama" - well maybe the person who says that is me. I can't stand catty people, who have nothing better to do than nit pick and cause drama in people's lives...but I do love me some drama.If we didn't have people [usually women..come on now!] stirring up the pot once in a while, we'd have nothing to talk about. Ok well that's maybe an exaggeration, we'd still be able to talk about the news. ;-) 

Well today, there was some drama. I'm in a group on fb for wahms [working at home mums] and we share our stories, we chat about our families, we ask questions about how to deal with certain customers, tips on business practices, etc. We are all very different,and make very different things, but we're also very much the same. Today, it came to our attention that someone had completely copied one of our mama's logo which she paid to have created for her shop. We were like the seagulls in Nemo " mine, mine, mine, mine,mine" . Pounce. Not mean and nasty, not rude, just stating the obvious. Well the business who was in question, blocked us, sent irritating messages to us, etc. but end result- she felt bad and took the logo down. Turns out, she bought labels from a woman on etsy, who had created labels for my shop-owning friend- and etsy woman...recreated those labels for another company. She turned a sheep, into a cow...with a sheep head. it was so sloppy and pieced together, this label maker should be ashamed of herself. Apologies were made to the woman who was maybe an innocent victim of a scam, but holy drama batman.

I was talking about other drama today with someone, remembering a playgroup I used to run last summer that I was considering doing up again this year....but last year I caught someone rifling through my purse, and then she lied about it! {oh ya...that actually happened, in my home- and she stayed the duration of playgroup after I caught her digging through my purse...}soooooo I'm not exactly jumping at the opportunity to offer up my home again. If I do, it will be to a select few that I personally know.

Where's my sippy cup??

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