Thursday, 12 April 2012

the Busy Box.

So someone was asking {the universe} what to do for her very busy toddler who gets into absolutely everything, and is making her lose her patience as the days go by. We're talking, he takes his clothes off, takes his diaper off, climbs the dresser, opens drawers, goes through closets, etc. Kids who do this all the time- are telling you they're bored. They want to explore, find new things to discover. They're bored of their everyday surroundings, they want more. That's not saying this mum hasn't tried everything in her Mary Poppins bag- but for whatever reason, her little man is bored. So- for those of you in a smiliar is what I told her:

Start a busy bag/box. Buy one of those large Rubbermaid totes, that you  can fill with different activities. Things he doesn't have access to everyday, and things he doesn't need any assistance doing. Puzzles, guessing games, lacing cards, etc. The only assistance that should be required , is the set-up of the space for him to explore. Don't have scissors, glue, paint, bubbles in that box. Just put brain teasing activities [suitable for the age of course] and maybe some crayons and colouring book [younger kids will need supervision so you don't have a muralist on your hands] . Make a book[or buy for those who aren't the crafty type] with all the different fasteners found on clothing. velcro, snaps, clips, laces, etc. Let your kiddo undress the book and dress it back up as many times as they want. Have little guessing games in there, memory match [simple for younger kids, I-spy for the older ones. I can explain this more later] . Don't let your kid go into this box everyday at the same time everyday. Only pull it out when you find you're ready to yank your hair out, and you don't want to stick the tv on. If your kiddo has constant access to the busy box, he will tire of that as well. Make a travel sized busy box too- for long waits at the drs office, for long car rides, etc. Do it in something that's easy to grab, or that you can leave in the car. A small tote, a backpack, that kind of thing. I make fantastic activity roll-ups that would be ideal in this kind of travel busy box. I'll put a perfect travel busy box together and snap a kids will thank you all for the flame under mama's bum to finally do it. I've had the idea in my head for ages...just haven't gotten down to business to do it.

So- for the mama who asked this initial question, good luck in finding solace,and keeping your sanity. We've definitely all been there at one point or another, it just sometimes feels that you're the only one going through it, and that you'll be headed to a loony-bin sooner than the rest of us. You aren't....and you won't.

Happy busy everyone!!

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