Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Colitis...and kids.

So for those of you who don't know, Manning, my 3rd born who is almost 2.5yrs old- has colitis.Milk and soy protein induced colitis, to be exact. That means- he can't have even the slightest amount of milk or soy proteins...which are found in pretty much..oh, everything! I've become creative and smart about his food, I bake fanciful cakes and delicious cookies and serve them to all of our friends- and they love them. But when Manning is around the other kids,and everyone is eating snacks...I can't control what all goes into his little (big) mouth at times. It's not so bad with my own kids, they're all pretty good about asking me before giving him anything, but if he spots something that looks like it might be delicious..he pops it into that sweet little mouth, and then comes and asks me..before swallowing it. At least he spits it out when I tell him his  tummy will get sick, but sometimes I don't catch him in time.

We're currently going through a colitis episode, and we don't know what he got in to- but his little body, is not happy. When he was first diagnosed , at 6months old, it would take a day or two for the symptoms to come out. Now...it's an hour. The doctors kept trying to give us false hope saying he'd outgrow this by the age of 2...now they say the age of 3, but with the rapid symptoms that  come up now..I think we're dreaming to think it's ever going to end. We just have to wait , for him to be old enough to really advocate for himself.

I have made alert shirts for him to wear at parties, because he'd crawl over to anyone eating and give him those sweet sweet little baby eyes that say 'mmmmm...can I try some!? my parents never feed me!' . I'm getting him an alert bracelet made, I can't get one of those allergy alert because it's not an allergy, so instead I'm having one specially made. I'll be making a few new shirts for the summer as well. Maybe I'll make some "Do not feed the bear" shirts...hahaha.

Do you have a little one with allergies, intolerances, or disorders such as crohns or colitis ? Or other dietary restrictions? How do you deal? If you're local, you'll have to look for my booth at the farmer's market this summer...which was supposed to be for Maple Bottoms, and my creations items, featuring a few allergy-friendly cookies each week, just for those little ones shopping with their parents wanting something sweet....but it's turned into an allergy-friendly baked goods, table. If someone can come up with a sweet little name for our booth, I'll bake you a batch of the best-ever, gingerbread cookies. They're dairy, soy and nut free. If you need gluten free, I can do that too.

dairy,soy,nut,egg,refined sugar-free chocolate cake, hand-painted!


  1. I think it should be called Sensitive Sweets: Allergy Friendly Baked Goods.

  2. Hey! that's actually....a super great name Tiffany!!

  3. .....http://www.sensitivesweets.com/ darn!
