Monday, 9 April 2012

when you 'miss' an appointment...

So today we had a specialist appointment for Mia at The Hospital for Sick Children. It's been scheduled for a month and it's been on my calendar. My husband has attended a couple of appointments in the history of doctors appointments for our life with kids. Today he decides to join us at our appointment. Appt was for 4pm s so I make arrangements for school pickup, take the day off (daycare) and get the kids organized to go. We park, go up to the  gastrointestinal-nutrition clinic and see husband*...who looks less than amused.  Turns out the appointment was for 1pm...not 4.

Regardless of when or how communication got lost is beside the point, we were 3hrs late and had missed our time slot. So what do you do when this happens?  Don't lose your cool, don't start making demands and threats or get rude. Apologize, explain what happened and ask, kindly, if you can either be fit in same day or if you can reschedule. I wanted Mia weighed on their scale so I asked if it would be possible since we did come all the way down and made tons of arrangements and had already parked. She felt bad for me, I apologized for*husband's reaction (remember the what not to do?) and she agreed to weigh pipsqueak and reschedule. So I have to do this all over again in 2 weeks but will be on my own (which I prefer!) and now I can plan the day out a bit better I guess.

Mia's weigh-in : drum roll please............. A whopping 10.6 lbs! She's a fierce little 7 months old. :-)

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