Thursday, 22 March 2012

What am I doing here??

Ever walk into a room, and then stand there with  a blank stare , thinking to yourself : why did I come in here? I  do this daily.  I'm going to blame it on the 4 babies I've had in 5 years. They say that when  a woman is pregnant , her hormones make her body do all sorts of crazy things- and memory loss/memory retention is a big one. You hear people joke "oh mommy brain moment!" or " doh-blame it on the baby brain!!" ....listen to them, and give them a break.

I have now resorted to calendars, hand written hanging in my kitchen- AND on my blackberry, which I set reminders for 1day before and 1hr before something is supposed to happen...and I still forget. Half the time, I remember something ALL DAY and then said event is taking place and...I've forgotten. A big one for that- is birthdays. I think to myself ...literally, from a few days before, "so-and-so's birthday is in 3 days. get him/her a card" ...I assume I've made a mental note, and then go on with my day. 3 days goes by, I wake up and say " a crap, it's so-and-so's bday and I forgot to get them a card. Make sure I send a message online or phone" ....then it's suddenly 11pm, and neither of those things have taken place.

I double book myself constantly- this is a huge problem of mine. I'm getting better though, I now check my calendar before commiting to anything , I feel so silly saying "let me check my calendar and get back to you" but I really have to- or I'll have 3 birthday parties in one day, and a craft show...and I'll be making a cake for one of the birthdays. Seriously...I've done this kind of thing before! oh and fit in dance class in the morning. My husband gets really annoyed with me- he doesn't understand how someone can be "so absent minded" ...(*grumble!!!!*) but he has never experienced pregnancy, childbirth, OR keeping up with 4 kids all day long, trying to follow conversations and stories as I do and remember friends names and what that friend said about this, what colour shoes that friend wore today ,etc.

[or this morning when getting into the car to take Madison to preschool- she found her "pretty shoes" outside. So she wanted to wear those  , not the ones on her feet {both were flip flops} so she assumed one of each was a great idea...I won THAT battle,but she won the pretty shoe battle]

Here's a typical conversation of the day:

Mummy: Manning, let mummy help you put your shoes on
Manning: No. Do yelf. {self}
Mummy: ok well when you're ready, let me know and I will help you.
Manning: RAAAAAWR SHOE!!!!!!! ON!!!!!
Mummy: ....can I help you?
Manning: NO! DO YELF!
Mummy: ok. (walk away to get something else )
Manning: Mam!? help shoe!! on!!
Mummy: so you're ready for me now?
Manning: ya mum. hank. [thanks]

imagine this....10 more times in one day and tell I absent minded, or do I choose not to retain the information ? ;-)

                        Just because this makes me smile. Here's when Mason and Moose were babies.

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