Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Just keep sewing, just keep sewing...

{to the tune of Dori's famous song, in Finding Nemo haha}

For those of you who don't know...I am pretty much, a jack-of-all-trades. [except for math- I don't do math. I have never done math, I will never do math. I will lie through my teeth to my children until they are old enough to decide for themselves- but I detest math. I married an accountant for a reason ;-)  ]

So- sewing, is one of my things that I love to do. I'm self taught- I started playing with my mum's little sewing machine when I was 8, I used to make skate covers, soft sided skate guards, etc. and I would even sell them ! [for less than they cost to make, but still...I had the right idea lol]. I started a little handmade business back in November, which really has turned into something wonderful. I'm sewing like crazy, have tons of orders come in- so much so I really need to start tracking them....eeks. but I've got some craft shows coming up, TWO this Saturday [yes, double booked- but I've got my business partner for the diapering boutique, doing one show and selling some of my items, and I'm doing another]. I've got two orders that need to be completed tomorrow- and then I've got a ton of things to make for the shows this weekend.

This week , I wish my kids were in daycare- instead of me having kids here for daycare- ...yes, I also babysit people's children lol.

Please oh please, blogging world- send me your energy, patience, and strength for the remainder of this week.

This is how my brain feels when I look at my to-do list for this week. <3 Madison!

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