Monday, 26 March 2012

proud to be a hypocrite.

...sounds crazy , right?? WRONG!

I am a complete food hypocrite. I tell my kids not to eat too much candy, I tell them junk food is bad for us and I tell them to eat their vegetables. All true and important things to tell our children. But.... I love candy. I love anything sweet and sour, and I also looooooove chips [especially with dip!] I hate zucchini- you can't pay me to eat zucchini , I've done it on occasion but I gag, I heave, it's embarrassing. I made my kids muffins with zucchini in them [I know...I'm evil] and I was trying my hardest not to gag as I shredded the stuff. Look at that, even typing about it makes my jowels start getting ready to heave.

So- I do what any good parent does. I eat healthy during the day, infront of my kids I stuff my face with lettuce, carrots, everything fresh and delicious [because I actually do love eating healthy] but when they go to bed..or even nap time...I'm raiding the cupboard for everything "bad" for us. cookies, chips, my secret stash of sour jujubes [THE BEST]. Does that make me a hypocrite? Sure it does...but I think that's one area of hypocracy, that I'm proud to be a part of !!

You're probably wondering if keeping my kids away from all the bad for you things, works for us. Well- my kids eat a lot of organic, dairy,soy,nut,gluten-free stuff [because of Manning's colitis, sometimes it's just easier feeding them all the same snacks!] I also try to stay away from refined sugars; I make delicious allergy friendly cake/cupcakes and cookies, super-food filled muffins, super healthy allergy-free trail mixes , etc. When my kiddos go somewhere and are eating cake ["store-bought cake" ] they won't eat even 1/4 of it,and they'll politely tell you, there's too much sugar in it  , and clear their plate. To me, that's a very big parenting WIN. :-)

{if you're lucky...I'll post a few of my recipes if there's interest!}

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