Wednesday, 28 March 2012


So that photo, brought up other saved photos that I haven't looked at in a long while...and now I'm on the subject of our handsome Manning.

Manning was born Nov 25th, 2009 . He came at 36weeks,  after I went into labour naturally but had my water broken after a while. He was born strong, screaming, and pink...then fell into respiratory distress.

It was terrifying,  and depressing. I spent the first 3 days post-partum crying to myself in my hospital room, especially after the nurse would come in and say "wow, still no baby in here?!" ...they rub it in, even not realising it. I would spend as much time at his bedside as I could, but for the first few days I wasn't allowed to speak near his cot or touch him, as when he knew I was near he'd get all worked up, lines would get ripped out, and his sats would drop. [ about heart wrenching!]

I had to leave the hospital and he stayed. That was hard to swallow- I left our street [our neighbourhood is pretty neighbourly] looking very much pregnant, and came back very much NOT pregnant..but didn't have a baby to show for it. I carried photos around instead, and said - he's getting stronger so he can come home, which was true :).

Manning was lucky, and came home just over a week after being born,and it was magical. I begged the doctor to let him go, I overheard the nurses chatting, and then pushed for his discharge. I think we got home at 10pm or so haha. I didn't care..I just wanted him HOME.

At 3 weeks old, he started vomitting like I've never seen. I took him to the doctor and said "something is wrong, I've never seen this much puke".  Doc says " all babies spit up, we'll monitor". Weeks go by, he vomits more, and more, and more.  He lost a ton of weight, finally the doc goes " wow, there's something wrong with your baby..we need to figure it out".  {insert angry death glare here} Specialist after specialist, appointment after apointment, and hundreds of tests later....they finally decided {through process of elimination} that he has Milk and Soy Protein Induced Colitis. He was 6 months old when we got a diagnosis, and 10lbs . He couldn't hold his head up, he had very little trunk support/strength, he wasn't rolling and nowhere near sitting. They started him on Neocate formula, and off my breastmilk [I had milk proteins in my diet] we changed everything about what he ate- suddenly he started turning into this pudgy little thing. It was amazing. he didn't scream, arch his back, spit up,anything. It was night and day- amazing!

So here's a split screen of Manning's transformation- I just had to share. Of course there is more to the story, and maybe I'll dig up some more emotions later on- but for now...I just love this split screen. Oh how far we've come!!

and here's Manning today :

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