Sunday, 27 May 2012

Prayers and thoughts, please

My little cousin, who is 17yrs old, was rushed to the hospital over the weekend with menengitis of the brain. Talk about scary. Though I'm not particularily close with his family, we are still family and it still worries me greatly when someone in my family falls ill. Having kids of my own, I actually know exactly what they're going through and how insanely scary it is. I've been there- not knowing what's going to happen, not knowing how your little one is going to recover, not knowing when your lives will return back to normal. That is terrifying stuff for anyone going through it, and you may feel like you're staring down a dark hole with no end in sight...but you're not. Everyday new developments will happen, everyday new signs of improvement will come about and you'll cheer for every independanty taken breath, blink of their eyes...every. little. thing.

So please, send your well wishes and prayers to my cousin who is at Sick Kids hospital in Toronto for a few weeks , getting stronger everyday. He had surgery and I'm not sure what's next for him, but just hold him in your thoughts.


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