Why is he frustrating , I can sense you wondering. Well- because he doesn't know anything is happening, he is making these itty bitty remarks that make me want toss him out of the upstairs window. I had told him we were just going for dinner tomorrow night, at the Keg. Not one of his favourite venues for a Sat night because the line up is ridiculous. I'm talking...waiting 2hrs just to get a table, and nothing available in the bar area. It's not even that it's an amaaaaazing restaurant, but they do make a good steak and it's the only chain that is somewhat "dressy"....you wear your nice jeans, instead of the ripped ones. Sometimes I even put my heels on, instead of my flip flops ;-) {kidding...I always put my heels instead of flip flops on when going for dinner!!} But yes, so it's not his idea of a great bday event. That's why....we're not actually doing that. But I can't just tell him that we're not doing that- I'm just letting him annoy the crap out of me and attempt to let it roll off my shoulders. He even told me he didn't care about his bday and doesn't even like them. *insert new eye roll here*. Though he's had a countdown on his bbm status for the past 2 weeks..to his birthday. haha.
So anyway, I'm rambling because I'm so incredibly busy today but I wanted to post so you didn't all think I had left the country without checking in first. ;-)
Stay tuned for my response to Time's article "Are you Mom Enough" . You can only imagine what's on this blogger's mind about THAT one.... I can't even pull up the article, when I google the topic everyone's response comes up. And you can image...it's got quite the response already. Mine will follow shortly.
Until then- I am off to bake some cupcakes for an undeserving soon-to-be 34yr old ;-) ...cause even though he drives me batty, I still love him to bits.
Enjoy the sunshine everyone!
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getting ready to cut the lawn with our push mower! |
My hubs birthday is tomorrow to, but nothing so elaborate planned here. Good luck not beating him senseless :)