Sunday, 6 May 2012

Nurturing friendships.

Remember how easy it was to make friends when you were a kid? You notice a kid wearing the same shirt as you *bam* instant best friend. 'Hey look! that kid likes playing ball too!' ta friend , etc. When you get older, out of school and in the real world, your friend making skills are put to the test. When you move , start a new job, have a baby... you have to make new groups of friends and put yourself "on the friend market" again. It's a daunting task. Having kids who are old enough to interact with other kids on their own, makes it a bit easier..but sometimes, their friends parents....are as thrilling as talking to a goldfish.

So ...what do you do when you find friends you really enjoy having around and doing things with? Nurture that friendship! Take the time to let your friends know what they mean to you, ask them how they're doing. Actively listen to them and let them know you care. Ok..I know..lame.

New spin- If you don't take the time to nurture the friendships you really truly value, you're going to end up with back stabbing bitches, or  annoyingly clingy saps who constantly think you're mad at them. Take it from someone who knows...both those options are WAY.TOO.MUCH.DRAMA. Nobody needs that much drama in their life- as a mother I've got enough drama in a day-to-day existance than some people can handle. The drama I want to deal with, is Madison wanting to wear her bathingsuit with her winter boots, not brushing her hair, Mason wanting to wear pjs to school, Manning wanting to "do self!!" ... that's the only kind of drama I am willing to accept and live with...and embrace. I'm a busy woman, as are many women and mothers. We are busy- plain and simple. Sometimes I don't have time to call a friend, or text message everyday. Heck...not sometimes, I just don't. Days go by without a peep from me, sometimes longer. But I've got friends who are the same- I don't hear from them for weeks, soemtimes months even but I know that is what they need for whatever reason and that they'll touch base when they've got the time and energy. Those friends I love, I cherish , and I nurture our friendship. I love that we can chat after months of not- and it seems like it was only yesterday that we saw each other. Those girls know who I'm talking about- and just know..I love you! I love that we're friends, and I love that our kids are friends as well. Love love love it. I can't explain how much gratitude I have for these girls, they give me sanity in an otherwise chaotic existence.

If you're dealing with drama mamas...rid your life! You'll feel so amazing once you get rid of the burden of whiney bitches.

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