So we just had a wonderful long weekend. Spent it with family at the cottage, swimming, enjoying the beautiful sunshine, camp fires, fireworks, the whole bit. The part that was shitty? {literally!!} Manning's colitis. When we're somewhere that food is in abundance, and not always the healthy choices we have at home - but chips, crackers, cookies, etc. It's hard for a 2.5yr old to decipher between the spread to know what's safe and what's not. He helped himself to different gummies....wrong ones. Had a few chippies....wrong ones... and other infractions along the way , during the weekend. It results in his system just flipping inside out on him. Poor kid had so many blowouts of green {sorry for the visual!} it was heartbreaking. So this week, we will be trying to get his system back on track.
I long for the day where Manning can make these decisions on his own, and just know. Right now it's hard for him to know that one cereal is ok, but the other is not. One bag of chips is safe for him but the others are not.. At home we have a cupboard just for him and Mia. He knows , and so do the other kiddos, that anything in that cupboard is safe for Manning or Mia to eat- even without asking mummy or daddy. I'll have to bring a cooler to the cottage just for him, to have the same concept while we're there. That way if he's going to hep himself to a snack, at least he can know that anything in the red cooler is for him.
he's awfully cute't he ? |
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