Wednesday, 11 July 2012

The annoying things some people say...

Ok, so I'm young, fit, and energetic....and I also have 4 children. As you can imagine, this brings out all sorts of comments from people. Mostly, people applaud me and tell me I'm a wonderful mother {I absolutely love it when strangers compliment my parenting in public - I really do!} There are, however, some people who feel the need to interject some irritating comment, or joke, or advice when they see me.

Here are some of the annoying things I've heard { some of...not all...I don't have time to write all}

1. "you're like a real life 19 kids and counting" .... um..first, how can you compare a woman with 4 children, to a woman with 20? How on earth does that even come close to being the same?

2. "are you........done!!?"     ....not that it is any of your business whatsoever, yes our family is complete. "phew."   ..... hang on now- What?! why does that bring relief to someone else?

3. When I say that I am exhausted - which doesn't happen too often at all, but sometimes, exhaustion does hit me, hard. I get  "it was your choice to have kids" .    .. Thanks for the tip, asshole. I never said I didn't want my kids anymore, I said I was tired. here is something actually cut and pasted from my own facebook wall, a response to this very thing:
when child-less people comment that having children was my choice {or anyone else with kids for that matter} I want to smack them. Of course it was my choice to have 4 beautiful children with the love of my life, and every single day I am greatful to have them all a part of my day even when I am exhausted, even when I want to escape for a vacation to the grocery store. I still get to think about them, and smile and feel the warm fuzzies inside my heart knowing that I have 4 gorgeous babies waiting for me at home, full of innocence , love , and affection.

4. " can you, handle this many kids?"     .....again, is it any of your business? But last I checked, my children aren't running around naked, starting fires, beating other kids up, or stealing cars. My children are polite, caring, respectful, sweet, adorable, outgoing, and are all born leaders. They can also speak English and some French, and do wonderful amazing things. I can take all 4 to the grocery store and come out alive, with no extra groceries than are on my list. I can take them to the mall to pickout toys for their birthday and leave empty handed and not one tantrum.  Can you do that, with your one child?

5. " you have any help??"  ...what , like having more than one child means everyone should have a nanny? Although there are days I would kill to have a nanny, I do it all myself. Husband works in the city and is gone from the house for about 13hrs a day. Which means, who is on deck? that would be me. Two days a week, I have an extra 2yr old in the mix as well and I take all of them out. Yes, 5 children, I take to the splash pad, the park, the petting farm, playdates... {you can hold your aplause ;) }

6. "good to get it all over and done with" . This comment comes, because the biggest age gap between kids is 24months and 2 weeks. I had 4 babies, in a span of 5years. While husband and I didn't sit down with a calendar for 5yrs to plan out dates and timing, we wanted them close together. 15 months was a bit of a *gulp* but, in all honesty, we thought it would take longer to get pregnant, and he came early. I loved being pregnant, I had lots of fun being pregnant {until my 4th...that was interesting to say the least} the anticipation up until delivery was intense, I loved it. I also love all the stages of childhood. I don't want to get it all over and done with, I want to enjoy every minute of the day with all of my beautiful children. Having them close together, means they are in the same stages {for the most part} and we can enjoy more things together. I don't have one playing video games, one chasing girls, and one in diapers, and one never home. They are all here together, and they all love the same things- for the most part. It actually makes life a lot easier lol.

7. I thought of another thing! When people with less children {usually friends...yes, even you guys say things that irk me sometimes lol} but when they say " oh I can never complain to you about my day, I would feel too guilty since you do it so easily, with 4".   Well, I didn't always have 4 kids. I used to be a mother of 1, for two whole years. I know what it's like with one, with 2, with 3 and now with 4. I've been there, I've had the same hiccups that other parents of 1,2,3..etc have had or do have. And also...I don't always do it so easily with 4. There are days where I want to run and take refuge, there are days I want to move into a one bedroom apartment...alone (haha.) there are days where I want to buy a plane ticket to nowhere. These days are few and far between, but they do exist. So can unload about your day, because there will be days I want to unload to you, and while I don't expect you to fully understand what it's like having 4 kids, I do know, that as parents, you can relate- even in a teeny,tiny way.  <3

That's all I will put for now, when I have more time I will add more . There are many, many, many more things that I hear in a day. Mostly wonderful, kind, and respectful but you still get the ass who thinks the world revolves around them, who feels they need to put their two cents into every person's life. So for those of you who are expecting your 4th, I know there has to be some who read this blog, or even your 3rd. Be prepared for all sorts of comments- I think I get a lot of comments because mine are very close together also, but still. Just grow a thick skin, and come up with some awesome come-backs that you can just zing their way as you walk away. ;)

beautiful Mia, in her laundry basket on the dock. yes...laundry basket. :)

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