Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Natural Living

For most people reading this blog, you know I'm sort of a natural mama. I love all things organic, natural, pure, and earthly. I was always this way as a kid- I would try to make paper out of tree bark and pens out of twigs and feathers , than spend the time in the mall or playing video games. Seriously. I made my own tee-pee with my sister in our parents forest, and we made it look so realistic that as the years went by , it actually looked like it was an original lean-to that was left by a hunter or someone. I was about 9yrs old- and it STILL stands today- that means it's been there for 20yrs or so. I guess we did a good job! {yay us, R! }

So it only makes sense that I continue this tradition in my adult life. I try to use natural products with my kids, from bath soap to skin lotion , laundry soap and sunscreen. Even natural bug repellant and lip moisturizers.

So here are some tips on products you can use to keep your little one clean , safe and bug-free this summer without using chemicals , additives, and ...gunk...
**I have not been paid to endorse any of these products. I am simply discussing what I like to use for my family. I am not a medical professional, any advice,tips or facts I provide should not replace your family doctor.**

1. Sun protection : Babies under 6 months cannot wear sunscreen. Why not? Because sunscreen prohibits their ability to sweat, and babies overheat quickly because they can't regulate their body temperatures as easily or as efficiently as older children and adults do. So for babies 1yr and younger I never use sunscreen. I use Muselin blankets, long sleeves/pants with thin 100%cotton and sunhats!

                             Older children: I have two natural sun screens I enjoy using on my kids, Badger Balm and Green Beaver . Both of these sunscreens are soy free which means they're safe in our house. The Green Beaver is a bit greasy compared to Badger, but I like that it's  a Canadian company and all natural and WORKS. Also- hats are a must and U.V shirts/bathingsuits/hats/outfits are a great option as well.

2. Bug Repellent: Babies and kids shouldn't be doused in bug repellent. Citronella isn't great for them either, and forget about Deet. I wish I had known about this simple remedy while I was pregnant, since I wasn't allowed bug spray then either- and I was eaten alive everytime I'd go outside in the evening. If you want to make your own repellent {yes....even you can make your own bug spray!} then follow these simple steps :

  • Essential oils: choose from Citronella, Clove, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Cajeput, Eucalyptus, Cedar, Catnip, Lavender, Mint
  • Natural Witch Hazel
  • Distilled or boiled Water
  • Vegetable glycerin (optional)
How to Make Bug Spray:
  1. Fill spray bottle (I used 8 ounce) 1/2 full with distilled or boiled water
  2. Add witch hazel to fill almost to the top
  3. Add 1/2 tsp vegetable glycerin if using
  4. Add 30-50 drops of essential oils to desired scent. The more oils you use, the stronger the spray will be. My personal favorite mix is: Rosemary, Clove, Cajeput, Lavender, Cinnamon and Eucalyptus… it works great and smells good too!

Other Simple insect repelling ideas:
  • Add vanilla extract to either of the above recipes, or just rub on the skin. You can also mix vanilla with witch hazel and water for a spray version.
  • Rub lavender flowers or lavender oil on your skin, especially on hot parts of body (neck, underarms, behind ears, etc) to repel insects.
  • Rub fresh or dried leaves of anything in the mint family all over skin to repel insects (peppermint, spearmint, catnip, pennyroyal, etc or citronella, lemongrass, etc) Basil is also said to repel mosquitoes and I’ve used fresh basil leaves in the garden with great success before!
3. Laundry Soaps /Stain busters : I don't know about your house, but in mine- warm weather means a few things. Dirt under nails, popsicle stained faces, grass stains on knees and food stains on clothes!

*. Laundry Tarts   : a Canadian , local handmade product that smells great and cleans beautifully! It's even HE front loader friendly! Their stain stick gets out tough stains quickly and painlessly! Just colour it on, and wash! Sometimes I let it sit before washing and find the stain fades to nothing and then wash and BAM. gone.

*. Nellies all natural : another Canadian company that makes a great natural product! I love it's vintage look too!

*. Make your own detergent! Yep- some people make their own laundry detergent and swear by it! The link I provided I've never tried myself, so I am not vouching for it's greatness- just giving you one recipe. If you're looking into making your own though- do some research, and check youtube!

4. Bath Soaps : I have a personal favourite head to toe wash for the kids, Little Twig  . I love the pump , it's easy to get soap when I've got 3-4 kids in the bath at once {this mama conserves...time and water ;-) } I can lock the pump so when I'm washing one kid, another can't squeaze out all my beloved soap. We like the lavender scent, it's relaxing, refreshing, and lovely.  It's a great shampoo as well , it's been kid- approved.

5. Teething : How could I almost forget to talk about natural teething remedies?! I used to swear by Hylands teething tablets  until Manning was diagnosed with milk and soy protein induced colitis. Hylands are honestly magical- they really are, and I used them all the time with Madison. But they're coated with Lactose to make them sweet so they were a big no-no in our house from that point on. What do I use now? 100% baltic amber!  It works, it works , it works, it WORKS! and it's really cute and stylish, never loses it's value, and never loses it's efficiency if cared for properly. SoF you can use an amber necklace on your first kid- and all the kids who follow. Pass it on to your sister to use on her kids, and when she's done with it- she can either sell it for near full retail value {ya....unheard of today isn't it?!} or pass it along to the next home. incredible. simple. natural.

6. Snacks and busy kids/families : Again- I forgot to touch on something I wanted to talk about. What's going on brain?! For busy kids and families on the go- instead of using plastic baggies for lunch packing, or those diaper bag snacks. Don't use bulky containers taking up all the space in the world- use reusable snack bags! They're typically made with a cute cotton print on one side and lined with food safe nylon. Makes for quick and easy wiping, and they can be washed just like the rest of family's laundry. Where do you buy such contraptions? Well...I just so happen, to make them!! ems_creations@yahoo.ca

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