Tuesday, 19 June 2012

"Does this count as annoying?"

What is with kids, and being annoying. Really? ... No, I mean..... really!  If you are a parent, and say that your kid is never annoying...you are one big fat liar. It seems that lately , my 2.5yr old is on a mission to be the most annoying toddler to face the planet. He bugs his brother. He bugs his sister. He bugs the dog. He does the opposite of what you tell him or ask him. Example? I put the air conditioner on because it's hotter than hot out there, and I say to the kids " the A/C is on, so we need to make sure we keep the doors and windows closed" . Manning, stands at the door and looks at me , dead in the eye as he opens the door and leaves it that way. "Manning, please close the door." ......|still looking right at me, with the door hanging open.| "Manning, close the door" .....|doesn't move a muscle| ..... " MANNING! CLOSE THE DOOR!!!" .....that gets a reaction- crying as though I've told him there's no such thing as Santa Clause.  This happens daily, with different things. I ask him not to bring food into the tv room because he just makes crumbs e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e ...you can put money he's got food in there. I ask him to be gentle with the fish tank- yep...he's hanging off the base. Mason has an awful habit of kicking at people when he's sitting on the couch, he says so they don't go near him. Not cool. I tell him you can't boot people in the stomach because they're bothering you {if only that was acceptable, eh?!} So Mason gets in trouble for booting Manning, I explain why we can't be doing that { I say the exact same thing every.single.day.} so what does Manning do? He casually stands by Mason, and starts to kick him. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!!!!!! so he's now in his room...and will probably fall asleep.

I cannot wait until they're older and I can remind them of how they acted as little kids. And no- this isn't what I was like as a kid.... I was perfect then, as I am perfect now. ;-)  |disclaimer: that was a joke people|
*stock photo*

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