Wednesday, 2 January 2013

New Years Resolutions- Welcome 2013.

I , like many in this world, make resolutions every year. I keep them simple because I never have any habits to kick or weight to lose. They're usually like " budget" or "drive less to save on gas" or something earthy {which is easy since we cloth diaper ,etc. lol} so they're not really resolutions, they're more like....encouragement to keep doing what I'm doing.

This year, I'm making a few new resolutions.

#1: Connect more with my family in Essex County, ON. I don't see them enough, and love them all dearly. I miss my sister Sarah and my mum and dad - and now I'm losing my other sister Rachel to that city again, too!

#2: Make a household check list- I love keeping on top of my house, all the kids rooms ,etc. But with 4 little ones , a big shedding dog and a shedding cat- it can get pretty crazy. I find I'm cursing in happy words when I step on transparent, miniscule lego pieces {WTF are they even for?!!} and barbie's milkshake {you know those curse words don't you? " OUCH MOTHER OF HEN!".... or " HOLY JEEPER CREEPER!" ...yeah..I get creative}

#3: Get a killer bikini bod {...yeah I'm not that boring- I'm going to set myself a fitness goal.} Though....a fitness goal usually means you need to do some physical fitness to achieve I have to find something that's not going to kill me {I think I might be allergic to 'working out' ;-)  } but with my knee issues which are STILL undiagnosed, I have to be careful....I should also stop eating the bag of Ghirardelli chocolates sitting here beside me.

#4: last but definitely not least- take more pictures. I want to be able to put some albums together of the kids- I need more and more pictures. I have many but I find they get stuck in digital format. I need to print them! I gave my parents a photo box for Christmas, it has about 60 photos of the kids and our family- they love it! I need to do that more often.

So, what resolutions did you make for yourself or your family this year?